Mick's Minute

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The Life

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The Life Mick's Minute Feature

Things are changing. Drastically, in fact. There was a time when it would take centuries for a culture to undergo significant change. But now, major change can happen in months, or even days. Because of that we live in a very exciting time. It could be the case that today is the day that somebody somewhere cures cancer, or finds a way to drastically reduce poverty in the world, or invents a cheap flying car.

That’s exciting stuff.

But in the midst of all that excitement, the rapid pace of change in our lives has also created a lot of instability. Many of our jobs could disappear overnight. Many of our values seem to have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Many of our relationships are falling apart because we don’t know how to talk to each other anymore, or even what we would talk about. In the midst of the constant changes around us, we often don’t know how to keep up.

And that’s kind of scary.

But if you are feeling strung out and out of touch today, I’ve got good news for you.

You don’t have to keep up.

Contrary to popular opinion, life is not best lived on the cutting edge of the latest trend. You can try to live life out there (and maybe you do) but sooner or later you will discover that you are exhausted and empty, and that the foundations of your life are always crumbling underneath you.

As for me, I love change. I think it’s fascinating and exciting. But I have found my peace and my joy and my hope in a life that is built around something that NEVER changes.

My God is eternal, and He is always the same. His book the Bible is over 2000 years old now, and it doesn’t change either.

Now I admit that I miss out on a few trends every once in awhile, but I’m OK with that. I have done my time chasing after the latest and greatest thing in search of happiness, and the truth is I was always more empty at the end than I was at the beginning. But I have discovered that the more I chase after this God and the life that He has for me, the more I am full. And it’s good.

How about you?

If you’re tired of the emptiness today, or just want to try something new, might I suggest Jesus.

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