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Life Goes On

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Life Goes On Mick's Minute Feature

You’ve probably noticed by now that there is a lot going on in this world in which we live. There are people and places and cultures that are completely foreign to us, and in which the most basic activities of life seem strange and even bizarre. And some days, things aren't much better even right in the middle of our own lives. We’re confronted with people we don't know how to deal with, problems we don't know how to solve, and situations that we can barely even comprehend. And all of those things can happen at the same time, even as we’re having an otherwise pretty good day. The bottom line is that, for most people, life can be really complicated.

Apparently not, though, for a famous American poet named Robert Frost. Robert Frost once wrote, “In three words I can sum up for you everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.”

That’s it. It goes on.

As it turns out, that was a pretty brilliant observation. Robert Frost was a guy whose life was filled with world-stopping tragedy. He lost his dad when he was only a little boy, and then his mom. He dropped out of college twice, worked a lot of hard jobs that he didn't like, he got a farm and then he lost the farm, and experienced several other really hard things in the midst of all of that. But, as he so rightly observed, the world did not stop. On the best and worst days of Robert Frost's life, it just kept on turning.

That reminds me of a famous part of the Bible out of the Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3 that says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Every single one of us are in different places in our lives today. Some of those places are really good, some of those places are really bad, and most of those places are somewhere in the middle. But wherever you are in your life today, remember: life is going to continue to go on.

Some days that is really frustrating, because some days we don't want life to go on. We want it to stop just right where it’s at. And then other days, we can't wait for life to move on. The sooner the better. But in every day, I would encourage you to turn your life to the things that matter.

First and foremost: start with your connection with God. The life that He has for you can only be lived with Him at the very middle of it, so there is no better place to start and to finish than with Him. Life is happening, and it’s going to keep happening. It goes on. So wherever your life is going, make certain today that you are going with God.

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