About Mick


Hi. I’m Mick Thornton. I’m an ordinary guy with a passion for introducing people to real life with God. I am a graduate of Denver Seminary, ordained in the Evangelical Free Church of America, and was the Senior Pastor of the Ainsworth Evangelical Free Church for 12 years before turning my efforts full-time to speaking, writing, and radio.

And every single one of those things was hard for me.

I have this idea in my head that there are people in this world who stroll effortlessly through life bringing happiness into every room they enter and leaving a trail of joy behind them as they go. But I’m not one of those people. My life is more like a lurching clown car with a flat tire and one window that won’t roll up. Getting anywhere I want to go feels like it takes forever, and half the time my intended destination and my actual location seem to be light years apart because my clown car of a life seems to always have a foggy windshield.

And the truth is that I’m totally good with that. I am learning to like the honest mess that is my life, and I’m learning to walk in it as a husband, father, and whatever else I am on any given day.

I like to travel, camp, read, build things, and eat weird food.

And most importantly, I have stumbled into the glorious truth that God has opened the door to real life for me, and that there is tons of room in here for anybody who wants to come in and check it out.

If that’s you, then you are in the right place! Read, listen, reach out. And if you find one of those silver thermal mugs laying around somewhere and it smells like coffee, that’s probably mine.

The blog.