
Power, at it core, is the ability to change things. Powerful people can shape the world around them. Powerful tractors can transform the landscape around them, powerful movies can shape the hearts and minds of people who watch them. In every context, power is the ability to change things.

With that in mind, I want to tell you about the most powerful thing I’ve ever encountered in my whole life. Surprisingly though, the most powerful thing I’ve ever encountered was not a machine, or a bomb, or anything like that, its a true story.

The true story goes like this— all people, no matter who they are, have a big problem. They are trapped in a world that is bigger than them, and bad things are happening inside of them and around them all the time, and they are slaves stuck in the middle of it. And In all of existence there is only one being who could rescue them and give them hope. His name is God, and not only did He make people and the whole universe, He loves people. So, even though people had ruined themselves and the world He gave them with their sin, He sent His only Son to come and rescue people from their sin. His Son Jesus came and traded His life for the life of all people. And now, because of that, anybody who wants to be rescued can be rescued and set free forever.

The Bible calls that true story the gospel, and it says these words about the gospel in the book of Romans Chapter 1":

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

And that gospel is the most powerful thing I’ve ever seen. It set me free. I’ve seen it set other people free, and it could set you free too, if you are willing.