Hi Job and Friends, please find here some examples of Mick’s Minutes that I think would make a great daily or weekly newspaper feature. All are less than 200 words. I have hundreds of them available and write more every week. They are 100% my own creation, and have never been shared anywhere before in text format. All were originally designed to be shared as radio PSA’s, and have been very successful in broadcast media. I would like to give them to you for free in hopes that I can share encouraging words with your readers and hopefully see some of your readers visit my website. And if you are able to sell sponsorship space around Mick’s Minute, all the better! Please contact me if you would like to make Mick’s Minute a part of your paper, or have any other ideas that you would like to talk about.
I love thunderstorms. But my favorite thunderstorm didn't happen on the high plains, it happens in the Book of Job, Chapter 38.
You’ve probably noticed by now that life can be really complicated. Apparently not, though, for a famous American poet named Robert Frost. He once said, “In three words I can sum up for you everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.”
Worry is the nagging experience of endlessly circling your fears like a dog chained to a pole.
My grandpa was a peanut farmer in southern Oklahoma. But the tool that most shaped his legacy was not his tractor, it was his Bible.
Additionally, here are examples of some “Feature Length” Mick’s Minutes that were originally designed for radio. These are published on my website as well. Also included are a few articles written specifically for my website. I am also happy to talk about including these in your newspaper. My hope is to reach and encourage your readers, and serve your paper as well.
The subtle art of sucking sand.